The five cats that greet my roommate and I every morning and evening. Some one around here feeds them, I haven't found out who!

Front door...porch..

Living room with nice wood framed furniture...the cushions are FOAM and the bottoms are wide straps. When you sit down the foam flattens and you feel the straps! Needless to say they are for looks not comfort. There is an ancient TV and cable box that I am still waiting to get set up. The curtains are white lace. which is pretty but ineffective for privacy, so again the living room is for looks not use. The entire apartment floor is white tile.
The kitchen looked awesome, just big enough for the two of us...and then I looked in the cabinets. They are open spaces with no shelves...The are as big as your everyday cabinet and should have at least one shelf...but no...they don't. Even the bottom cabinets don't have any shelving! On the bright side I am not able to acquire as much as I did in Tulare because I have no where to put it!
The dinning table and chairs are sturdy but again the cushions have little in the way of support so they are more for decor then function!

The bathroom is as clean as possible with the years of students renting these apartments and hard water. The water heater has a switch to turn it on which was a hard lesson the first night when I wanted a shower and had to take a cold one! I found the switch in my exploration the next day. You also get a sneak peak of my roommates bedroom, she has two walls with windows and a larger desk than I do but it is apart of the wall and there are no electrical outlets near it.

My bedroom has one window and a smaller desk but I get more furniture to put books and stuff. My bed also had a foot and head board so the bed doesn't creak half as bad as Natasha's (roommate). The curtains are solid brown with a little design and some what effective against the sun, all the windows with the exception of two have security bars. All of the doors that lead to outside have four locking mechanisms of different kinds. Trying to leave the house fast is not an option especially now that we have to get in the habit of locking ourselves in when we come home. Both bedrooms have A/C but it is expensive to run so students try to get by with a little as possible.

The room gets a lot of light but if it is dark all I get is a wall lamp on the wall above my bed and the dresser across the room. The closet is big and has more room than I know what to do with.

My balcony view. Jealous? Don't be, there is a strip of locals that have wild dogs that come home every night and bark all night long. least during the day it isn't so bad. During Carnival...their Week long New years and Christmas celebration every night until 4am the houses would bump all kinds of reggae music and such. The down town area would be packed with Kitticians and Jamaicans with HUGE speakers in the streets BLASTING DEAFENING music. It wasn't like it was a big dance hall on the street either. Everyone stood around swaying (high as a kite) around their BBQ's enjoying the company. We got a lot of looks being the sore thumbs in the crowd, but once you smiled they smiled. You just had to turn real quick before they thought you wanted to talk. It has taken a week but I am beginning to understand more and more of their broken English. YEah, even though the native language is English they don't speak it. Everyone thinks I speak low and fast (yeah, I do) they are WAY worse.

Doing my first load of laundry, I hope the fabric softener helps my clothes not feel like cardboard...but I suppose even this task is going to be a learning experience.

I get a beautiful sunset every night, not that I am going to have the time to appreciate them after this week!
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