Leaving Port Zante, St. Kitts!

A personal ship. I was hoping that there was a sudden change in plans and that we were all going to be on a pirate ship to Nevis!

Two other catamaran's were used to take us students to Nevis.

Condo community.

"The Strip" from the ocean side. There is a name for the beach and it's on the tip of my tongue....The Strip is a string of different bars that are on one beach that the students frequent on Friday nights.

The wind was good enough to sale us to the island. It was neat to watch the crew ready the sails and then raise them.

Okay Pat, I am in the water and snorkling...it is fun after 15 minutes of convincing myself that I am not going to inhale water while looking at fishes. I think getting my scuba certification is going to be a hard sell.

A sea turtle!! It was so fast in the water, I didn't have time to turn on the video and video tape! The turtle got very close to all of us and then darted away. Thankyou Allie and Justin for my awesome gift this picture made the camera worth the cost and hassle! Now if only the battery lasted as long as the memory!

Another attempt to get a good photo of the fish.

School of blue fish that were much prettier in person. The water was very cloudy, the crew says the best place to snorkle is Ship Wreck Beach. Game on FISHES!

Where we stopped to snorkle. Jsut past Cockleshell beach.

Three boats left the docks with students and new faculty!

William Guillermo....something. He is a nice enough guy but has a condition that doesn't let him relax...he is always moving but seeems like a good person. Notice the belt with the cup holder threaded through it, yep, only Bilbo! A nick name one of the husbands gave him that nickname as a combination of his two names. He responds to it but doesn't really like it, though he hasn't really said not to call him Bilbo, I don't know.

On the catamaran! I still got red, not burned but red on my shoulders and upper back and chest. I put two rubs of sunscreen on too! There is no hiding from the sun on the water! I have a funny red lines on one side of my hands and forearms I figured out had to be from snorkling!

It was like the storming of Normandy when we left the catamaran and were on the sands of Nevis.

We only had 30 minutes to get a drink and then back on the catamaran to go back to St. Kitts. I will be back though, there is some hiking to do on Nevis.
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