The fortress was built on a hill that is a solid hill of lava brought up from volcanic activity under the ocean, overtime and many submersions under water a limestone shell formed on the hill. From the resources the hill provided the slaves were able to build Brimstone Hill Fortress in 1690's. The conservation commites of the world and on St. Kitts are restoring the site and gave a real good presentation of the little history that is know about the fortress. It was misting and then raining when I was up there so excuse some of the blur of the photos.

There is a very steap, narrow, bumpy road with two switch backs with narrow arches that leads to the fortress. When we went through the arches first it took Mr. Rogers (our orientation groups taxi driver for the week) a few corrections to even have a chance to make it through the arches with out adding to teh rub marks already made by not as patient drivers.

Here is the gift shop area and parking inbetween both sides of the armed fortress.

In the distance (of the picture) you can see a broken down fort that had some beautiful views.

To the right of the first picture you see this out cropping of cannons ready to fire!

The fort above us!

The steep, incredibly slippery long treck up to the fort above! My calves were feeling the HEAT!

A little history...

A beautiful view from the top!

Facing the west side of the fort

Cannons everywhere.

I rang the bell like the obnoxious kid that I am!

The storm and the fortress just made for a spookie visit! Thank's Natasha for taking the picture.

The St. Kitts flag flying high on the highest point of the highest structure.
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