Monday, February 7, 2011


This is a competition held the first weekend after the begining of class.  It is unfair to the incoming semester class because the other semesters have a whole semester and break to prepare for the next competition.  As a first semester you find out about Mr. RUSVM competition a couple days into class when you pick your class representative.  Never the less because there was only three days to prepare the class picked William/Guillermo (nicknamed Bilbo) to be our representative.  Well....he actually volunteered himself. What I have heard is that he is very vocal in class and not by asking questions but spouting out answers...and not always the right ones, so some of the professors get annoyed with his constant and unwanted participation.  When it came to picking someone he was the first one to sacrafice.

Here are some video's that I took of the show.  Mind you that some of my favorite ones I didn't record because my camera's battery life wasn't that long and I bet video taping uses a lot of energy! In any case here are some selections of mine to give you a taste.  If I can find my favorite skits then I will post them later.

The categories for the contestents were: Favorite Disney princess, Favorite movie, What you would be doing if you weren't at Ross, Rosswear (an outfit made of anything but clothes), and Talent.

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